I’m Erika. I am an author, leader and speaker for women who want to live a holistically beautiful and authentic life for Jesus.

As a wife and mama of two kids, my days are busy and filled with lots of spills, carpool lines, and scrambling to get dinner on the table! But like you, I long to live a life of authentic purpose.

A few years ago, God put it on my heart to pick up a pen and write. I wrote to process grief, unknown health challenges, anxiety and everything in between. What I found was something truly beautiful…

God met me there.

His story and His heart were slowly etched into the pages of my words. So I kept writing, and here I am today, thousands of words later and still waiting to see what God does next!

“Come to me, all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28

Through writing, I have found healing in the most unexpected places. I am still processing hard things, but I enjoy doing that alongside women who understand and who have the same desire to cling to Jesus.

In 2021, the Temple Care Podcast was born. The name Temple Care comes from 1 Corinthians 3:17 which says our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit.

In each message, my goal is to encourage you to pursue God in your mind, body and spirit. Sometimes we talk about mental health, other times we are talking about meal planning! It all depends on where the Lord leads. And each guest brings their own unique and beautiful message to the table.

Visit Episodes for more info.

Over the course of the last few years I have written books and programs to encourage women in their walk with the Lord.

My first devotional book “Invited to Rest” was published in the hopes that it would encourage you to slow down and enjoy God’s presence during the Christmas season. Each daily devotional is geared towards setting down your to-do list and sitting at the feet of Jesus.

In 2023, I released my latest book “Quieted by His Love: 40 Days of Hope for the Overwhelmed”. Written from a place of raw honesty, this book details some of my own personal struggles with anxiety and depression and what God taught me in those dark and hard places. Each devotional will inspire you to find the quiet with Jesus, to pursue Him as He pursues you, and to find grace in the middle of life’s trials.

Let’s be friends.

My membership is like a special club for my inner circle, the ones that cheer me on and I cheer them on! If you are wanting to go deeper and find weekly encouragement with videos and devotionals, sign up to join my membership so we can become besties! You won’t regret it I promise :) I also love to give my members first access to new content, books I’m writing or insight into classes I’m developing.